Characters and movie riddle
Identify these 20 movies through their character names ..
(E.g. Farhan, Chatur, Rancho.. Answer : 3 idiots)
1. Sanjay, Ratan, Devika
2. Teja, Gogo, Robert
3. Prem, Manohar, Seema
4. Kiran, Rahul, Vicky
5. Ganga, Ram, Ballu
6. Badshah, Benazir, Pasha
7. Rajeshvar, Mandhari, Chunia
8. Tony, Radha, Kishan
9. Arjun Singh, Bheem Singh, Dashrat Singh
10. Namdev, Damodar, Raghuvir
11. Tina, Anjali, Rahul
12. Aakash, Siddarth, Sameer
13. Sunil, Aana, Chris
14. Iqbal Singh, Sardar Khan, Chaurasia
15. Simran, Kuljeet, Raj
16. Rohit, Sonia, Sirji
17. Nisha, Tuffy, Lallu
18. Tiger, Jumma, Bakhtavar
19. Omi, Langda, Dolly
20. Arun, Daaga, Mr. Wolcott
Your Answer
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