Six kings and birbal intelligence puzzle
Once upon a time, Emperor Akbar was the ruler of India.
In his court, he had the much talked about Nine Gems out of which, one was Birbal, particularly known for his quick wit and intelligence.
The word of mouth spread faster than a fire in the forest and a distant king felt the eagerness to meet Birbal. He sent an invitation for Birbal to come and visit his country.
When Birbal arrived to his kingdom, he was welcomed and was escorted to the palace. Inside the palace, he found out that there were six kings sitting in front of him. Each of them were a lookalike with same robes.
But who was the king? He got his answer very soon and then approached him to bow in front of him.
How did Birbal find out who the real king was?
Because all fake king seeing toward the real emperor while real emperor seeing straightly to the birbal.
How do you know who looking where? Nothing such thing mentioned in the puzzle
Its basic human nature.
all those who were not king must have sown some erratic behavior but the king must have shown some well mannered i know i do not have much evidence to proof my point but the main thing is tht the behavior of kings and their officials must be different therefore he got to know that who was the king..
All “Five” fake kings wew looking to the real king while he had acting with the birbal. Only the real king could spoke to birbal with confidance.
Because birbal was very famous about his intelligence in every where.
Your Answer
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