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Mystery Number
Consider all the numbers between 1 and 1 million. Among all these numbers, there is something very special about the ...Read More »Find 4 hidden words in the picture Puzzle
Find 4 hidden words in the picture PuzzleRead More »Random walk in Ring City puzzle
Ring City has 100 houses arranged in a circle. Alice starts at her own house, and every day she randomly ...Read More »Logic Dice Game
A solo dice game is played. In this game, upon each turn, a normal pair of dice is rolled and ...Read More »Logical Series
Can you find a pattern and the missing number in the series given below? 100, 155, 258,? , 584, 819.Read More »How to solve the answer for the question mark?
. ? . 16 ...Read More »In the Dark
Planning to roam the countryside and prey upon its defenseless people, the ogre reached into his dark closet. There he ...Read More »How did the robber want to die?
A robber tried to steal the crown jewels. He got caught by the King’s guards and was taken to the ...Read More »Icecream Flavours
I purchased an awesome ice cream cone having 5 different flavour scoops. Five flavours are pistachio, mint-chip, strawberry, marshmallow, and ...Read More »No Peep without beep
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I have a hole in my back and legs I lack. I live where I can’t breathe and I eat ...Read More »Murder or Suicide?
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Jim purchased a bottle of an imported perfume at $250. The bottle looks very beautiful with silver linings on it ...Read More »Highest path traverse puzzle
Start with any number on the top row, select any way to the bottom, adding the numbers as you go. ...Read More »How can you make?
How can you make a TV, a bed, a dog, and a car liquid?Read More »Combination of bags
A man went into a bank with a thousand dollars, all in dollar bills, and ten bags. He said, “Place ...Read More »Chocolates for you
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A woman is sitting in her hotel room when there is a knock at the door. She opens the door ...Read More »The Magical Fish
A fisherman catches a magical fish that grants him three wishes. He wishes for a big house, a fast car, ...Read More »The Number Game
There is a number, the second digit of which is smaller than its first digit by 4, and if the ...Read More »
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