What to open puzzle
It\’s 5:00 AM in the morning. You are sleeping. The doorbell rings. It\’s your family, they want to have breakfast. They have got strawberry jam bottle, bread packet, honey bottle, juice bottle and milk bottle with them.
So, what do you open first ?
First answer: My eyes. Because, as per the puzzle statement, I am sleeping. And, as a matter of fact, I don’t sleep with my eyes open…!
However, given the details, I have a counter-point: If I am sleeping, how do I know that they (the visitors) have bread, jam, honey, juice, milk… all these items with them? I can know this information only after I get up (open my eyes) and open the door and see the aforesaid items in their possession. That means, by the time have reached the last line of the puzzle, I have already opened TWO things. So, the question of “what do you open first” is already ‘dead’…! And once I know the items they have, it’s purely choice – either mine or theirs – whether to open any of these items in question or to open something else that I have at home. ‘The odds are even’…!
The door! Since its given that its 5 am in the morning when your family arrives… You cant know its 5 am if your eyes aren’t already open. So I assume you will, at this time, first open the door
I feel that you need to open your eyes first. Taken that it says, “I’m sleeping.”.
Or I feel you open the door first. They list the items to make you confused
Your Answer
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