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Living Recovery: True Stories of Addiction Recovery

I prided myself on never missing a day of school. I attended all my classes and did my assignments and readings. I did not need to study very hard for tests to ace them. By my junior year, I was taking all honors classes and easily passing them, putting me near the top of my class.

inspirational stories of sobriety

She was eventually hired as a janitor at the treatment center where she first cleaned herself up. At this point, Becki wasn’t committed to becoming substance-free, just staying warm and off the streets. To remain in treatment, though, she had to stay clean. This was initially responsible for her sobering up. When the program ended, she moved into transitional housing. Resultantly, Bill learned to love himself and to love life.

How Drug and Alcohol Abuse Affects Families

Her many ups and downs are proof that even celebrities battle with addiction and relapse. However, she’s a prime example of how perseverance can help you get healthy. One day it suddenly clicked for her, and she realized she was having a problem with her drinking patterns. “From that day on, I went cold turkey,” shares Jada. Don feels that he relapsed because his spirituality was missing.

  • My friends were all band members who partied like me.
  • We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol.
  • Did these sobriety quotes support you in reframing your thoughts?
  • “After moving from Texas to Florida at age 15, I was naturally searching for new friends.
  • Outwardly, I was vivacious and self-confident, but inside I felt unworthy and hollow as my behaviors blanketed my soul in a shame I fought to ignore.
  • My Attorney told me the story of his Nanny going into Valley Hope years ago and has been clean for 8 yrs.

I had a husband and children, a nice home, a career, and an engaging manner to distract you. All the while, I was numbing myself by binge drinking and desperately chasing a joy that somehow I’d never actually found. Outwardly, I was vivacious and self-confident, but inside I felt unworthy and hollow as my behaviors blanketed my soul in a shame I fought to ignore. “After moving from Texas to Florida at age 15, I was naturally searching for new friends. Drinking seemed to be my ticket into the ‘cool kids’ crew. Mixed with just the right amount of curiosity and boredom, this quickly led to binge drinking and using harder drugs.

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There were numerous instances where friends tried to talk to me about the way I drank and how often I did it. My parents also expressed concerns, and even one of my professors made the comment that I seemed different than The Best Gifts For Celebrating 1-Year Sobriety I’d been the previous semester. The effects of alcohol were slowly seeping into all my relationships and all aspects of my life, and truthfully, I just didn’t care. As long as I could keep drinking, I was content.

Behind substance use disorder is people – people with real stories of struggle and triumph. Here is a collection of short inspirational quotes about recovery from addiction. Write them on some index cards and hang them to encourage your growth. There is one sober song Sasha Frere-Jones especially wishes he could hear — the one Elliott Smith did not live long enough to write, about how good it feels to be sober and alive.

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