Brain Teasers & Puzzles
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Hidden among these dozens of identical tea cups is a sneaky bucket of sand. It is not immediately seen. And that’s your challenge.
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By focusing closely on the smallest details—shapes, colours, and textures-could you spot the 3 differences between these Car Manufacturing images?
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Can You Spot The Rhino Hidden Among Elephants in the given image?
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Knight and Dragon riddle
A dragon and knight live on an island. This island has seven poisoned wells, numbered 1 to 7. If you ...Read More »Fun Laughter Challenge
We know that money can be names differently for the purpose it is used for. Some of the examples of ...Read More »Chess Board Puzzle
In a chess board, the queen piece can move horizontally, vertically and diagonally freely. The picture represents the same. Can ...Read More »Fuel in Car Race Riddle
Before the start of the car race, John and Jacob have the same amount of fuel in their car. With ...Read More »Coffee or Soda
George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee ...Read More »Find Next Number
Find Next Number in the Sequence 2 9 3 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 ?Read More »Wonderful English
Rearrange the letters U O S O W T D N E J R to spell just one word.Read More »Let’s decode!!
Here’s a new kind of coded puzzle for you to try – a cryptolist! The list of words below all ...Read More »school sports riddle
During the recent Puzzlefry school sports day, four girls were competing in the 400 meters hurdles. Official figures mysteriously went ...Read More »Crack the code
Justin Case and Auntie Bellum are fellow con artists who deliver coded messages to each other to communicate. Recently Auntie ...Read More »Modern Peasant riddle
Peasant John wants to buy new chickens, pigs, and horses. A new chicken costs 50 euro cents, a pig 3 ...Read More »Find the birthday puzzle
A correspondent informs us that on Armistice Day (November 11, 1928) he had lived as long in the twentieth century as ...Read More »Jump out of plane riddle
One day a man jumped from a plane without a parachute and suffered no injuries, how is that possible?Read More »Give what he need riddle
A man asked his son that he will give him Dollar 1000 if he could accomplish the following task. The ...Read More »Still makes a meaningful word riddle
What an eight letter word can have a letter taken away which still makes a meaningful word. Take another letter ...Read More »Think short riddle
How many dogs are in a small room if in each of the four corners a dog is sitting, and ...Read More »Think Differently
If, 20 % 5 = 24 21 % 7 = 33 42 % 6 = 67 Then; 66 % 6 ...Read More »Always Ahead
It is always ahead of me yet I can never see it. What is it?Read More »When do you have Rs.60
You are depositing Rs. 3 in First day and Rs. 3 in Second day in your account. And you are ...Read More »A Farmer, a Wolf, A Goat, and a Cabbage
A farmer went to a market and bought a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. On his way home, the ...Read More »
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