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  • Jenny has boxes in three sizes: large, standard, and small. She puts 11 large boxes on a table. She leaves some of these boxes empty, and in all the other boxes, she puts 8 standard boxes. She leaves some of these standard boxes empty, and in all the other standard boxes, she puts 8 (empty) small boxes. Now, 102 of all the boxes on the table are empty.

    The question: How many boxes has Jenny used in total?

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  • Assume that you have a number of long fuses, of which you only know that they burn for exactly one hour after you lighted them at one end. However, you do not know whether they burn with constant speed, so the first half of the fuse can be burnt in only ten minutes while the rest takes the other fifty minutes to burn completely. Also, assume that you have a lighter.

    How can you measure exactly three quarters of an hour with these fuses?

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  • You have two jugs. One jug has a content of 3 litres and the other one has a content of 5 litres.

    How can you get just 4 litres of water using only these two jugs?

    (There is plenty of water available to refill the jugs)

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  • Jacob and John run a 100 meter race. Jacob wins by five yards. To make it sporting, he starts 5 yards behind the original start line in the second race. Assuming both runners run at the same speed, who wins the second race? The challenge is to solve this problem without doing any algebra.

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  • After death of a rich old man, his children are surprised to know that he has left all of his money to his oldest son Jacob, who loved him dearly, and ignored his other children, who hated him.

    So, the funeral is a day or two later, and the other sons and daughters have decided to kill Jacob and take his inheritance. Since his father’s death, Jacob has taken to drinking, and they know that, at the wake, he’s going to be gulping down the liquor like it was nectar of the gods. So they decide to poison the drinks. One of the other sons, John, tends bar, and gets the poison all ready.

    So Jacob comes up, crying and depressed, and orders a scotch on the rocks. John serves him one, and he chugs it down in two seconds. “Give me another.” Jacob gives him a second glass of scotch, which he also drinks in a matter of moments. The other siblings are puzzled…the poison is fast-acting; Jacob should be convulsing on the floor and retching his guts out. Finally, fifteen minutes later, a rather inebriated and very much alive Jimmy orders one last glass of scotch, but as John hands it to him, he changes his mind and leaves, sobbing. The other siblings come over to John, and wonder what’s going on. They talk about what could have gone wrong for a few minutes, and figure the poison’s harmless. So John sips the drink he poured for Jacob, and is pronounced DOA thirty minutes later.

    Why did Jacob live ? (He had no immunity to the poison, he didn’t know it was coming, and the poison was obviously deadly.)

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  • Jacob, his daughter, and the evil Joju lived in a city. Jacob was in debt to Joju, and Joju had his eye on Jacob’s daughter. Joju made a proposition: he would place a black stone and a white stone in a bag, and Jacob’s daughter would pick one out in front of the People of city. If she drew the white stone, Joju would forgive Jacob’s debt. If she drew the black stone, Joju would marry Jacob’s daughter. Jacob had no choice but to agree. Jacob’s daughter has no reason to trust Joju, and believes that he will place two black stones in the bag. How can she get out of marrying Joju?

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  • You have to cut a cube into 27 smaller cubes (just like a Rubik’s Cube). It is to be done with 6 cuts to the original cube i.e. 2 in the x, 2 in the y, 2 in the z. Now, assuming that you can arrange the pieces however you like before doing a cut, what is the minimum number of cuts required to obtain the 27 smaller cubes?

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  • There are two cylindrical rods of iron, identical in size and shape. One is a permanent magnet. The other is just non-magnetised iron — attractable by magnets, but not permanently magnetic itself. Without any instrument, how can you determine which is Magnetic ?

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  • A dragon and knight live on an island. This island has seven poisoned wells, numbered 1 to 7. If you drink from a well, you can only save yourself by drinking from a higher numbered well. Well 7 is located at the top of a high mountain, so only the dragon can reach it.

    One day they decide that the island is not big enough for the two of them, and they have a duel. Each of them brings a glass of water to the duel, they exchange glasses, and drink. After the duel, the knight lives and the dragon dies.

    Why did the knight live? Why did the dragon die?

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  • Jacob is hanging out on a heavily forested island that is really narrow: it is a narrow strip of land that is Eight miles long. One End of the strip is A, and the other end B. A fire has started at A and the fire is moving toward B at the rate of 1 mph. at the same time, there is a 2 mph wind blowing in the direction from A toward B. what can Jacob do to save himself. Assume that Jacob can’t swim and there are no boats, jet-copters, teleportation devices, etc.. (if he does nothing, Jacob will be toast after at most 8 hours, since 8 miles / 1 mph = 8 hours)

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