How to code September?
The months of the calendar have been coded in the following ways:
January = 1071
February = 682
March = 1353
April = 154
May = 1335
June = 1046
July = 1047
August = 168
Using the same coding method, can you find out how to code September?
September = 1999
as first S = 19 and total character = 9 And September month count no = 9
as in all january => j = 10 total word = 7 and 1
march => m = 13 total word = 5 and 3
given :
1. january = 1071. “J” =10(alphabetical number). and”anuary” = 6(no of alphabets). 6+1=7. and last digit 1=month no.(here january is first month so it is 1). totally 1071.similarly we have
2.february = 682. “f” =6(alphabetical number). and”ebruary” = 7(no of alphabets). 7+1=8. and last digit 2=month no.(here february is second month so it is 2). finally 682.
following this procedure we get september = 1999.
Your Answer
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