Brain Teasers & Puzzles
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Solve the Matchstick Math Puzzle so that the equation can be equated.
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Hidden among these dozens of identical tea cups is a sneaky bucket of sand. It is not immediately seen. And that’s your challenge.
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By focusing closely on the smallest details—shapes, colours, and textures-could you spot the 3 differences between these Car Manufacturing images?
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Compare the 2 spotted patterns below. What have they in common?
Lost in Space
A spaceship is traveling through the vast expanse of the cosmos. Onboard are five astronauts: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and ...Read More »Who Brought What
One Saturday afternoon, four boys visited the local 5 and 10 store to buy candy. Each boy bought just his ...Read More »Who is the killer? Murder in restaurant puzzle
Who killed the lady in the washroom?Read More »You lost all lost
You must keep this thing, its loss will affect your friends. Once yours is lost, it will soon be lost ...Read More »FIND POISONED BOTTLE ELSE DIE
You are the ruler of a medieval empire and you are about to have a celebration tomorrow. The celebration is ...Read More »Can you start the fire?
Can you start the fire using two pieces of wood?Read More »Which do you light first?
You are in a dark room and want to see what is inside it. With you are a match, a ...Read More »Do you know what that integer is
A special integer exists in mathematics that shows a special property. If you subtract any number from that integer, the ...Read More »Rearrange the letters in “new door” to make one word.
Rearrange the letters in “new door” to make one word.Read More »2 Cars and bird between them logical math puzzle
There is a circular race-track of diameter 1 km. Two cars A and B are standing on the track diametrically ...Read More »Ultimate Sequence Riddle
Can you find the missing letter in the sequence? S – T – I – L – ? – T ...Read More »Find the Lost Boot in the Shearing Salon
The ultimate seek-and-find challenge! Can you unearth the hidden boot amongst the sheep in our shearing salon? Put your skills ...Read More »What is it puzzle
Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can ...Read More »How could only 3 apples left
Two fathers took their sons to a fruit stall. Each man and son bought an apple, But when they returned ...Read More »A boat full of people riddle
While walking across a bridge Andrew saw a boat full of people. Yet on the boat there wasn’t a single ...Read More »Give what he need riddle
A man asked his son that he will give him Dollar 1000 if he could accomplish the following task. The ...Read More »Number magic – Mathematical puzzle
If you multiply me by 2, subtract 1, and read the reverse the result you’ll find me. Which numbers can ...Read More »Help the Girl Puzzle
Long ago, in a village somewhere in the Indian subcontinent there lived a poor farmer with his young daughter. life ...Read More »Highest mountain on Earth
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?Read More »
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