RE: Pirate and Gold puzzle

ravi Default Asked on 11th May 2024 in No Category.

Copy of

on 14th July 2015.
on 29th July 2015.


on 20th August 2015.

ans is 4

on 12th September 2015.

But why would he wrote such complex thing? Not complex as in case of detective but how the victim wrote that? If he had a phone then why he didnt call the police?

on 17th September 2015.


on 6th November 2015.

There are 12 answers to this puzzle.  For every hour, there is a position of the minute hand such that the hour and minute hands are equal distance from the 6.

on 9th November 2015.

There are more than 12 answers to the puzzles, please specify the same in answer. 🙂

Think about it, even more than 20 answers are possible 🙂

on 10th November 2015.


on 13th November 2015.

He used 10 parachutes for 10 dead bodies and 1 for himself so that he can flew with them together. And because no one knows that all the 10 people were dead, It will be a little hard to find where the terrorist had landed.

on 3rd December 2015.

Dpplicate –

on 6th December 2015.

start A and B at a time.
A =11,B=13
After  A completed Reverse A.
After B completed in A 2 minutes will be recorded.Stop B and turn A one more time u will get 15 minutes.
1.A=11,B ==13

on 19th January 2016.

There can obviously be many answers.
So keep them coming!! 🙂

on 23rd January 2016.

Don’t you think rate of burning across the rope has to be uniform? Otherwise this burning from both sides won’t get you to the result.
Again in the second part if the ropes are not identical again rate of burning would be an issue.

on 3rd February 2016.


on 14th March 2016.

Women  and doctors are the same.

on 14th March 2016.

So my answer was wrong?
At least you should say something. Yes! No!

on 7th June 2016.

Something is missing in the description!

on 7th June 2016.

your name

on 16th June 2016.


on 20th August 2016.

Step 1: Move coin 7 to left of coin 2
Step 2: Move coin 10 to right of coin 3 and finally
Step 3: Move coin 1 from top to bottom of coin 8 and coin 9;

So sequence would be:
7 2 3 10
4  5  6
8  9

on 12th November 2016.
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5988 Answers

He can propose a plan that he gets 98 pieces of gold, the 3rd pirate gets 1 piece, and the 5th pirate gets 1 as well.

If there were just 2 pirates the younger pirate would definitely deny the plan so he could get all of the gold.

If there were 3 pirates the first pirate can offer the second pirate 1 piece of gold and take the rest himself because the second pirate wouldn’t get anything if he has to propose a plan himself.

If there were 4 pirates the first pirate could take 99 for himself and offer 1 to the youngest pirate. They would both agree. If the youngest disagrees then he won’t get any gold in the next plan.

So when there are 5 pirates it is in the interest of the 3rd and 5th pirate to accept 1 piece, because if they don’t they won’t get anything in the next plan.

ravi Expert Answered on 20th July 2015.
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