Amazon Interview Puzzles
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Solve the number series by identifying the last number.
1 4 5 6 7 9 11 ?
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How Many Chicken Maths Problem
A farmer sold a few chickens to four different customers on a particular day. It was such that each customer purchased half of the remaining chickens and a half chicken more.
Can you find out how many chicken were sold by the farmer on that day if we tell you that the fourth customer bought a single chicken ?
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Suppose that there is a rubber ball which has a property of bouncing back to the original height from which it was dropped and it keeps doing that until it is stopped by any external force.
Can you calculate the fraction of height to which the ball would have bounced if it has bounced four times after dropping from a certain height without being stopped?
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I am a mother. However, I never give birth.
I am a father. However, I never nurse my children.
Wandering is not possible for me, but standing still happens occurs rarely.
Who am I?
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Find a 4-letter word for each blank below so that when added, two new words (sharing the same middle word) are created. What is each word?
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A man went into a bank with a thousand dollars, all in dollar bills, and ten
bags. He said, “Place this money, please, in the bags in such a way that if I
call and ask for a certain number of dollars you can hand me over one
or more bags, giving me the exact amount called for without opening any of
the bags.”
How was it to be done? We are, of course, only concerned with a single
application, but he may ask for any exact number of dollars from one to one
thousand.View SolutionSubmit Solution- 1,509.0K views
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