Can you find out the number of chocolates they have right now?


A and B have a certain number of chocolates with them. If B gives one chocolate to A, they will have equal number of chocolates. But if A gives one chocolate to B, then A will be left with half the number of chocolates that B has.

Can you find out the number of chocolates they have right now?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Let us say that A has P no. of chocolates and B has Q no. of chocolates right now.
    Now according to the question:
    P + 1 = Q – 1
    => Q – P = 2 —— (i)

    Also, P – 1 = (Q + 1) / 2
    => 2P – Q = 3 —— (ii)

    Equating (i) and (ii)
    P = 5 and Q = 7

    Therefore, A has 5 chocolates and B has 7 chocolates right now.

    anikam Expert Answered on 22nd August 2015.
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