If the man killed himself, he would not have been able to rewind the cassette. Thus it is clear someone else killed him.
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A) Fill 5 ml gallon ( 5mlGallon – 5, 3mlGallon – 0)
B) Transfer to 3 ml gallon (5mlGallon – 2, 3mlGallon – 3)
C) Empty 3 ml gallon ( 5mlGallon – 2, 3mlGallon – 0)
D) Transfer 2 ml from 5 ml gallon to 3 ml gallon (5mlGallon – 0, 3mlGallon – 2)
E) Fill 5 ml gallon(5mlGallon – 5, 3mlGallon – 2)
F) Transfer 1 ml from 5 ml gallon to 3 ml gallons(5mlGallon – 4, 3mlGallon – 3)- 9496 views
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To do this, he must be pushing the cork inside the bottle and then taking out the coin.
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3 1 2 2 1 1
1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1Read Line as one 1 => 1
Read Line 2 as two one => 2 1
Read Line 3 as one two and one one => 1 2 1 1
and so on.- 8493 views
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First, you have to figure out what Albert knows that Bernard doesn’t. Cheryl gave the pair 10 possible dates. The combinations are made up of four possible months and dates falling between 14 and 19. Only 18 and 19 appear once across the 10 combinations. If Bernard was told either 18 or 19, he would know Cheryl’s birthday — either May 19 or June 18. Albert says he doesn’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but neither does Bernard. If Cheryl had told Albert she was born in either May or June, it would be possible for Bernard to know when her birthday is (assuming she told him either 19 or 18). If Bernard can’t know Cheryl’s birthday with his information alone, we know Cheryl told Albert she was born in either July or August.
After Albert says his piece, Bernard announces he now knows when Cheryl’s birthday is. At this point, he has also been able to deduce the months down to July or August. From the potential dates in those two months, only 14 appears twice. To know Cheryl’s birthday, Bernard must have been told a number other than 14.
Albert then announces he also knows Cheryl’s birthday, having eliminated two months and the number 14. This leaves him with three potential dates: July 16, August 15 and August 17. If Cheryl had told Albert August, he would not know because he would still be missing the date — either 15 or 17. Cheryl must have told Albert July, leaving him with only one possible date to celebrate his new friend’s birthday: July 16.- 7828 views
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Switch on number 1 and leave it on for 30 seconds, then switch it off. Switch on number 2 and leave it on. Enter the conference room. The spotlight that is on is obviously number 2. The spotlight that is warm is switch 1, and the other spotlight is number 3.
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The answer is 200. The explanation is that the painting number equates to the number of degrees between a clock’s hour-hand and minute-hand (measured in a clockwise direction). The first three examples are easy if you sketch the clock hands on a clock face and plot the hours around the clock face (bear in mind there are 360 degrees around a circle; the 12 on the clock-face equates to 360 (or zero) degrees, and each hour equates to 30 degrees, being one-twelfth of 360). The puzzle question (9.20pm) is more difficult to calculate than the first three time examples. Here are my two attempts to explain it:
method 1- Each hour on the clock face equates to 30 degrees (12 x 30 = 360). From 9 to 4 on the clockface moving clockwise is 210 degrees (7 hours x 30 degrees = 210 degrees). But the hour hand is not on the 9, it’s one-third of the way to 10 (the time being 9.20, not 9.00). This one-third (being 20 minutes of a 60 minute hour) equates to 10 degrees (10 is a third of 30 degrees). Therefore the angle in degrees between the hour hand and the minute hand at 9.20 is 200 degrees (210 – 10).
method 2 – At 9:20 the minute hand is at the number 4 which is 120 degrees from zero (4 is a third of 12, hence a third of 360 degrees is 120 degrees). The hour hand is at a position equating to 560/720 minutes (there being 720 minutes in 12 hours, and 9hrs 20mins being 560 minutes). 560/720 equates to 280/360 (360 is half of 720, and half of 560 is 280), so the hour hand is at 280 degrees from zero (remember zero is 12 on the clock face). Measured in a clockwise direction, the number of degrees (or angle) between the hour hand and the minute hand is 80 degrees around to to the 12 (at zero degrees), plus 120 degrees from the 12 to the 4 (which we previously established). Then simply add: 80 + 120 = 200.
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They both have imaginary square common.
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