Easy Puzzles
We have three containers which hold 19, 13 and 7 ounces of liquid respectively. The 19 ounce container is empty but the 13 and 7 ounce containers are full. How can we measure out 10 ounces by using only the three above mentioned containers?
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There is a number which is very peculiar. This number is three times the sum of its digits. Can you find the number
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During a recent police investigation, Chief Inspector of PuzzleFry was interviewing five local villains to try and identify who stole Mrs Riddle’s cake from the mid-summers fayre. Below is a summary of their statements:
Arnold: it wasn’t Edward
it was BrianBrian: it wasn’t Charles
it wasn’t EdwardCharles: it was Edward
it wasn’t ArnoldDerek: it was Charles
it was BrianEdward: it was Derek
it wasn’t ArnoldIt was well known that each suspect told exactly one lie. Can you determine who stole the cake?
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Adam tells that Brian always lies.
Brian says that Cody always lies.
Cody says that Adam as well as Brian always lies.Now we tell you that only one of them speaks the truth. Can you find out who is the one who speaks it?
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In karol Bagh,Delhi,India from puzzleFry’s office window i saw this bus and confused Which direction is the bus going,
Can you help me out, is it going left or right?
Hint: Out of the box and enter inside the box
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You are trying to cook an egg for exactly fifteen minutes, but instead of a timer, you are given two ropes which burn for exactly 1 hour each. The ropes, however, are of uneven densities – i e , half the rope length-wise might take only two minutes to burn. How can you cook the egg for exactly fifteen minutes?
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The local king, determined to defend his kingdom from that wicked ogre, sent his two eldest sons to the court swordsmith.
The swordsmith kept a supply of special ogrefighters (four daggers, three swords and two axes) locked in a chest. The two princes insisted on having the same kind of weapon.
How many weapons did the swordsmith have to take out of the chest to be sure he could meet the demands of the princes?View SolutionSubmit Solution- 1,576.2K views
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Planning to roam the countryside and prey upon its
defenseless people, the ogre reached into his dark
closet. There he had stored four six-league boots and
eight seven-league boots. How many boots did he have
to pull out of the closet to make sure he had a pair that
matched?View SolutionSubmit Solution- 1,575.0K views
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Harassed during important experiments, three Earthlings
were taking three law-breaking Grundi to the authorities.
Suddenly they heard the thunderous roar of a
rockfall, and they knew they were facing sure death
unless they crossed to the other side of the canal. The
portable watercraft they carried with them would hold
only two passengers, regardless of weight. At no time
could there be more Grundi on either side of the water
than Earthlings or the Grundi would overpower the
Earthlings. How could they all cross the water safelyView SolutionSubmit Solution- 1,575.2K views
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