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  • There was a very rich family, they lived in a big circular house. They had a maid, a butler, and a gardener. The parents were going to a party, so they tucked the younger kids into bed and kissed them goodnight and said goodbye and kissed the older kids goodnight. While the parents were gone the butler was feeding the older kids, the maid was dusting the corners, and the gardener was watering the plants. When the parents came home all of the kids were dead.

    Who killed the kids?

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  • The Queen lives in a beautiful castle with her only son and a sheep-dog named Sir Foo Foo. One day the Queen decides to go out for a spot of tea with some friends. She leaves her eight-year-old son in the care of her trusted servants. The 18 servants are: Harold the health instructor, Griffith the gardener, Tiffany the private tutor, Philip the photographer, Magdalina the maid, Boris the Butler, Geraldo the groundskeeper, Bernadette the barber, Sandy the sweeper, Anastasia the accountant, Constantine the carpenter, Joel the jester, Lucy the launderer, Sadie the seamstress, McKenzie the musical instructor, Lawrence the lawyer, Dorothy the dentist, Devon the doctor, and Surlamina the Secretary of State. When the Queen came home she discovered her son was missing and that he was kidnapped. The Queen came to a conclusion that it must’ve been one of her servants who kidnapped her son because he was too young to leave on his own and Sir Foo Foo was harmless. The Queen interviewed all of her servants to see which one was responsible for the kidnapping. The alibis are as follows: Harold was lifting weights, Griffith was planting roses, Tiffany was checking homework, Philip was taking pictures of the botanical garden, Magdalina was making the beds, Boris was cleaning the banisters, Geraldo was supervising Griffith , Bernadette was trimming Sir FooFoo’s hair, Sandy was sweeping in the corners, Anastasia was managing the Queen’s affairs, Constantine was building a birdhouse, Joel was coming up with the jokes, Lucy was doing the laundry, Sadie was designing a dress for the Queen, McKenzie was playing the flute, Lawrence was suing the bank, Dorothy was preparing to extract the Queen’s tooth when the Queen came home, Devon was examining an x-ray of the Queen’s arm, and Surlamina was being a Secretary of State.

    Who is the kidnapper?

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  • The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose, and that name is significant. Newcomers to the game can be told that much. They can also be told that every answer is zero or an even number. They can also be told the answer for every throw of the dice that are used in the game. And that’s all the information they get.

    The person who has the dice and knows the game, rolls five dice and remarks almost instantly on the answer. For example: in Roll #1 the answer is two.

    Roll #1. 4 1 6 3 6

    “The answer is what?” says the new player.


    “On that roll?”


    “Would it still be two if I moved the dice without turning any of them over, just rearranging the pattern?”

    “I can tell you only three things: the name of the game, the fact that the answer is always even, and the answer for any particular throw. In this case the answer is two.”

    “So that’s how it is. What am I supposed to do?”

    “You’re supposed to tell me the answer before I tell you. I’ll give you all the time you want, but don’t tell me your theory, just the answer. If you figure it out, you don’t want to give the idea away to these other jokers around you. Make them work for the answers, too. If you get the answer right on six successive rolls, I’ll take that as prima facie evidence that you understand the game.”

    “OK, roll again.”

    Roll #2. 5 6 5 4 4

    “I give up. What’s the answer?”

    “The answer is eight.”

    “Roll again.”

    Roll #3. 3 5 5 5 6
    The answer is fourteen.

    Roll #4. 2 6 2 1 4
    The answer is zero.

    Roll #5. 4 3 2 1 3
    The answer is four.

    Roll #6. 6 5 6 2 2
    The Answer is ……?

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  • This ring is made of leaves,
    Flowers, fruits, twigs and more
    And then at wintertime
    It hangs on your front door

    What could it be?

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  • John, Tony and Jacob plans for gun fighting.
    They each get a gun and take turns shooting at each other until only one person is left.

    Story suggests:
    John hits his shot 1/3 of the time, gets to shoot first.
    Tony, hits his shot 2/3 of the time, gets to shoot next if still living.
    Jacob having perfect record at shooting(100% accuracy) shoots last , if alive.

    The cycle repeats.
    If you are John, where should you shoot first for the highest chance of survival?

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  • Everything is here, one score and nine, that shelter a vast mob.
    It lets lions lie down with the lambs, Yet makes both shun the slob.
    None now will nestle with nicks and nates, While reams room near the rear.
    Though you and I have separate rooms. Both our bottles brim with beer. The king and queen can never mate (Though hands and hearts hobnob). Because their rooms are separate. If this jail does its job.

    What house is this that have everything in it thus Forcing faith to end with fear?
    The answer to this riddle lies, with dead and dying here.

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  • A six feet man and his six year old son are swinging together at a park swing. They are on a separate, identical swing. The man has four times the mass of the child.

    Who swings faster? And why?

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  • There are several Parrots and rabbits in a cage. There are 72 heads and 200 feet inside the cage. How many parrots are there, and how many rabbits?

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  • A thief is convicted in Mexico. He gets the death penalty. The judge allows him to say a last sentence in order to determine the way the penalty will be carried out. If the thief lies, he will be hanged, if he speaks the truth he will be beheaded.
    The thief speaks a last sentence and to everybody surprise some minutes later he is set free because the judge cannot determine his penalty.

    What did the thief said?

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  • A Man wants to bring a Lion, a goat, and Grass across the river. The boat is tiny and can only carry one passenger at a time. If he leaves the Lion and the goat alone together, the Lion will eat the goat. If he leaves the goat and the Grass alone together, the goat will eat the Grass.
    How can he bring all three safely across the river?

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