Hack_King's Profile



Hack_King loves solving puzzles at PuzzleFry.com. I am proud PuzzleFry member and like my time invested in solving brain teasers.
  • 8 Cases
    There are 28 Shoes in 1 single Case —this means 14 pairs of Shoes in 1 Case.

    To pack all 112 pairs of shoes we need 8 Cases (112 / 14 = 8).

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  • Guru Asked on 28th February 2020 in Logic Puzzles.

    Any form of Light emanating  or reflecting from far of sources
    such as light from stars, moon , sun or even sky.

    • 4 answers
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  • Guru Asked on 28th February 2020 in Brain Teaser.

    A Map

    This answer accepted by SherlockHolmes. on 28th February 2020 Earned 20 points.

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  • The answer is

    73 and 64

    Here only the final statement by Paul reveals the actual numbers.

    Paul is given the product


    and thus cannot know what the numbers are, as possible numbers are

    (146, 32), (73, 64), (584, 8) and (292, 16).

    However, Sam is given the sum

    137, and he knows that all possible pairs are (69, 68) … (136, 1), and if given any product of these numbers, then Paul cannot deduce the factorization as there are always more than 1, thus leading to Sam stating the “I already knew that”.

    But now Paul knows that the numbers must be

    73 and 64, because 137 is the only sum among 146 + 32, 73 + 64, 584 + 8 and 292 + 16, of which Sam can know 100 % certainly that Paul cannot know.

    Thus Paul says that he knows what the numbers are. As Paul states this, then Sam too knows the pair is

    (73, 64)

    because for any other numbers Paul still could not deduce the result.

    Now at this point, if we did not know what numbers were given, there are only 27 possible pairs! Of these, 13 have differences that are unique, so Dean, stating that he does not know the number, means that only the 14 remaining pairings are possible:

    (4, 1), (32, 23), (32, 29), (37, 16), (41, 32), (43, 16), (53, 32), (64, 37), (64, 43), (73, 64), (89, 8), (97, 16), (101, 32) and (109, 40)

    There are only certain differences, and the occurrences of numbers for these differences are as follows:

    3: (4, 1), (32, 29); 9: pairs (32, 23), (41, 32), (73, 64); 21: (37, 16), (53, 32), (64, 43); 27: (43, 16), (64, 37); 69: (101, 32), (109, 40); 81: (89, 8), (97, 16)

    Dean must have been given 9 as the difference, as 32 is the only number appearing twice – this is the one Dean guesses as a probable number; however, Paul knows this and states that it is not in the solution, so Dean too knows that (73, 64) is the solution.

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    • 4 votes
  • Answer is :

    1. 3
    2. 3
    3. 8

    Explanation :
    Here is a complete list of all possible solutions :
    Ages:                               Sum of ages:

    1 1 72            74
    1 2 36            39
    1 3 24            28
    1 4 18            23
    1 6 12            19
    1 8 9             18
    2 2 18            22
    2 3 12            17
    2 4 9             15
    2 6 6             14  **
    3 3 8             14  **
    3 4 6             13
    Every combination of possible ages which has a product of 72 
    has its own unique sum of ages - except for 2, 6, 6 and 3, 3, 8, both 
    of which share the sum of 14.
    Based on the first clue. the census taker can't figure out 
    the ages after looking at the house number, the house number must be 
    14, because then the ages could be either 2, 6, 6 or 3, 3, 8,that is 
    confusing for the census taker. 
    Now, the next clue is that the oldest child likes chocolate pudding. 
    This means that there is only one oldest child. 
    There is no oldest child of the ages are 2, 6, 6, 
    so the ages of the children must be 3, 3, and 8 years old.

    This answer accepted by SherlockHolmes. on 28th February 2020 Earned 20 points.

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  • I will first hit the BRAKE to save all the three and prevent any kind of accidents.

    This answer accepted by SherlockHolmes. on 28th February 2020 Earned 20 points.

    • 2 answers
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