Bank cashier mistake puzzle


You went to a bank to cash out your cheque.

By mistake the bank cashier gives you-

  • Dollar amount in cent, and
  • Cent amount in dollars.

On the way home you spends 5 cent, and then suddenly you notices that you have twice the amount of your cheque.

How much was have you written on cheque ?


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  • 2 Answer(s)
    Best answer

    The answer is 31$ and 63 cents

    Method : Lets assume Cent = z and $ = 100z    , no. of dollars =x and no.of cents = y

    So,Initially he had 100zx + zy

    Now after cashier’s mistake it becomes 100zy + zx

    After spending 5 cents it becomes double

    So now equation is 100zy + zx -5z = 200zx + 2zy

    or      199x = 98y -5

    Now,value of y cannot be greater than 100 (otherwise it becomes $)

    so plotting values of y for 1 to 100,we get only 1 integer value for x  i.e. 31 for y = 63

    Hence the answer 31$ and 63 cents


    Vijeet Deliwala Scholar Answered on 30th November 2015.
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    Answer:  31.63 $

    Let the amount in cents be x, and amount in dollars be y

    1.  x>y (otherwise the second number would be smaller)

    2. Amount of cents in second number is y, since y-5<x,  there must be 1 dollar carried forward when doubling.

    3. Amount of dollars in second number is x, hence (x-1)/2=y (take away the 1 dollar carried forward then half)

    4. y can also be expressed as y=2x-100+5 (double x and take away the 100 cents carried forward, then add the 5 cents)

    5. Therefore (x-1)/2=2x-100+5

    6. Solving the expression above gives x=63, and y=(x-1)/2=31

    Hope all is clear:)

    Dzallen Starter Answered on 15th July 2016.
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