Which number replaces the question mark?
The answer will be 39
3*2 – 1 = 5
5*2 – 2 = 8
8*2 – 3 = 13
13*2 – 4 = 22
22*2 – 5 = 39
One more logic is that if you observe closely you can see that
1 no lies in between 3 and 5 (i.e the no is 4)
2 nos lie between 5 and 8 (i.e 6 and 7)
similarly 4 nos between 8 and 13
8 nos between 13 and 22
and in each case the number is getting doubled. So 16 nos will be there between 22 and the next number and thus the number will be 39
Your Answer
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