• Brain Teasers & Puzzles

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    • A road is divided into two ways.  One leads to City of truth and the other leads to City of Lies. All the people belonging to City of Truth always tell truth and all the people belonging to City of Lies  always lie.

      There are two people standing at the division,  one from City of Truth and the other from City of Lies. You don’t know who belongs to which city.
      You can ask only one question to any one of the two people standing there to determine which way leads to the City of Truth and which leads to City of Lies.

      What would be your question..?

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    • On the game of Poker, two people play as follows:
      Player 1 takes any 5 cards of his choice from the deck of 52 cards. Then player 2 does the same out of the remaining 47. Then player 1 may choose to discard any of his cards and replace them from the remaining 42. Then player 2 may discard any of his cards and replace them, but he may not take player 1’s discards. ALL of the transactions with the deck are public knowledge, unlike the real game of Poker.

      After this process, the winner is the one who has the better poker hand. For the benefit of those who have not played poker, these are the highest ranking hands, in decreasing order of value:

      Royal Flush: the A K Q J 10 of the same suit.
      Straight Flush: any five consecutive of one suit. Highest card of the five is the tiebreaker. No one suit is more powerful than another.
      Four of a kind: all four of one rank (i.e. four aces). A hand with 4 aces outranks 4 kings, etc.
      Full house: a pair of one rank and 3-of-a-kind in another rank, i.e. Q Q 8 8 8.
      Flush: Any 5 cards of the same suit that don’t satisfy #2.
      Because of the clear advantage of player 1, the win is given to player 2 if the hands are equal in strength.

      Which player would you rather be? What strategy do you use?

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    • Assume that you have a number of long fuses, of which you only know that they burn for exactly one hour after you lighted them at one end. However, you do not know whether they burn with constant speed, so the first half of the fuse can be burnt in only ten minutes while the rest takes the other fifty minutes to burn completely. Also, assume that you have a lighter.

      How can you measure exactly three quarters of an hour with these fuses?

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    • Jacob has three boxes with fruits in his barn: one box with apples, one box with pears, and one box with both apples and pears. The boxes have labels that describe the contents, but none of these labels is on the right box.

      How can Jacob determine what each of the boxes contains, by taking only one piece of fruit from one box?

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    • A confused bank teller transposed the dollars and cents when he cashed a cheque for Ms Denial, giving her dollars instead of cents and cents instead of dollars. After buying a newspaper for 50 cents, Ms Denial noticed that she had left exactly three times as much as the original cheque. What was the amount of the cheque ?

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    • A light bulb is hanging in a room. Outside of the room, there are three switches, of which only one is connected to the lamp. In the starting situation, all switches are ‘off’ and the bulb is not lit.

      If it is allowed to check in the room only once to see if the bulb is lit or not (this is not visible from the outside), how can you determine with which of the three switches the light bulb can be switched on?

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    • You have two jugs. One jug has a content of 3 litres and the other one has a content of 5 litres.

      How can you get just 4 litres of water using only these two jugs?

      (There is plenty of water available to refill the jugs)

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    • Just do it, do not cheat! Because of you did, this test would be no fun. We promise that there are no tricks to this test.

      Read the sentence below:


      The question is: How many times do you see the letter F in the sentence above? Count them only once! Do not go back and count them again!

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    • Jacob and John run a 100 meter race. Jacob wins by five yards. To make it sporting, he starts 5 yards behind the original start line in the second race. Assuming both runners run at the same speed, who wins the second race? The challenge is to solve this problem without doing any algebra.

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    • A 12 by 25 by 36 inch box is lying on the floor on one of its 25 by 36 inch faces. An ant, located at one of the bottom corners of the box, must crawl along the outside of the box to reach the opposite bottom corner. It can walk on any of the box faces except for the bottom face, which is in flush contact with the floor. What is the length of the shortest such path?

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