Temple and Coin Riddle


A devotee visits 9 temples when he visits India. All these nine temples have one thing in common – there are 100 steps in every temple. The devotee puts the Re.1 coin after climbing up every step. He does the same while climbing down every step. At each temple, the devotee offers half of his money from his pocket to god. In this way, his pocket becomes empty after he visits the 9th temple.

Can you calculate the total amount he had initially?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Initial Amount = Rs. 153,300

    After reaching Temple 1     1,53,200 (Re. 1 at each step = Rs. 100)
    After offering at Temple 1        76,600 (Half the amount offered)
    After climbing down        76,500 (Re. 1 at each step = Rs. 100)

    Repeating same steps:

    Amount left after Temple 2: Rs. 38,100
    Amount left after Temple 3: Rs. 18,900
    Amount left after Temple 4: Rs. 9,300
    Amount left after Temple 5: Rs. 4,500
    Amount left after Temple 6: Rs. 2,100
    Amount left after Temple 7: Rs. 900
    Amount left after Temple 8: Rs. 300
    Amount left after Temple 9: Rs. 0.

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 26th February 2024.
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