Prisoner break puzzle


Two prisoners are locked in a dirt floor cell with nothing but a mattress, a frame, and a stolen spoon. There is a small, bar less window high on the wall, but they can not get to it. First, they try to tunnel out, but decide that it is too much work and will attract attention. Then, they attempt to get out by climbing on the mattress and frame, then climbing on one another, but still are unable to reach the window. They eventually escape.

How do they get out?

Hint: They do not rearrange the mattress.

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  • 2 Answer(s)

    Theoretically, they can dig up dirt from the ground and use it to gain some elevation. But, in practice, just like tunneling out, it involves too much work and will attract attention.

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 12th October 2016.
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    First they can cut mattress with spoon.They can make long ropes with it and tie the frame at one end. Make the frame to fit in window by thowing. They can use less length side of frame to project in to window and keep it struck to window from outside. Bye bye prisoners ?:)

    sainath495 Curious Answered on 16th October 2016.
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