Maths Puzzle


In a bouquet of flowers, all but two are roses, all but two are tulips, and all but two are daisies.

How many flowers are in the bouquet?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Only THREE flowers (one of each) are there.

    Since the puzzle specifies the presence of Roses, Tulips and Daisies, it is evident that there MUST be at least ONE piece of each of these. That makes three flowers, one of each kind. Now, if we add at least one flower of any kind, the ‘all but two’ condition will fail for all other kinds of flowers. e.g. suppose there are two roses. Then the ‘all but two’ condition will fail for tulip (because now there are three flowers – two roses + one daisy – other than tulip. Same for daisy as well. Hence, it is impossible to have even a single flower more than the three.

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 15th December 2017.
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