Modern Scholars puzzle


Many years ago, befor modern educashun in the new millenium, one problem in skools was baseic speeling and grammer.

To conbat this and rays acheivement, teechers were adviced to start at the very begining, at the yungest age.

Once they had managed to breath new life into leessons, progres came quickly – sucess was then garanteed.

How many speeling errors would modern skolars identify in this passage?

SherlockHolmes Expert Asked on 25th February 2018 in No Category.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Many years ago, befor modern educashun in the new millenium, one problem in skools was baseic speeling and grammer.

    To conbat this and rays acheivement, teechers were adviced to start at the very begining, at the yungest age.

    Once they had managed to breath new life into leessons, progres came quickly – sucess was then garanteed.

    How many speeling errors would modern skolars identify in this passage?

    —————————- —————————- —————————-

    The words shown in bold are ‘straight-forward’ spelling mistakes whereas TWO words that are shown in bold italics are correctly spelled words used wrongly. “rays” instead of “raise” and “breath” instead of “breathe“.

    Total count: 21, out of which one (shown in bold with underline) is a repeat. Net count = 20.

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 28th February 2018.
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