Number The Puzzle


In the figure that has been attached to this question, each digit represents a digit. The similar letters carry the same integer value. Can you expose the original digits?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    It is specified that:

    (1) Each digit represents a digit.
    (2) The similar letters carry the same integer value

    It does NOT say that distinct letters must correspond to distinct digits. Hence, three possible solutions are there.

    Possible answers:

    1. T = 1, W = 3, O = 0; H = 6, R = 9 and E = 0, so that TWO = 130, THREE = 16900
    2. T = 1, W = 4, O = 0; H = 9, R = 6 and E = 0, so that TWO = 140, THREE = 19600
    3. T = 1, W = 3, O = 8; H = 9, R = 0 and E = 4, so that TWO = 138, THREE = 19044

    If the additional condition that distinct letters must correspond to distinct digits, only the third  solution is valid (because in the other solutions, lettes O and E represent the same digit 0.)

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 24th January 2024.
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