• Brain Teasers & Puzzles

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    • You are riding a horse. In front of you, there is a fire engine. A helicopter is following you. To your left a sports car is driving. To your right there is a depth.

      How can you arrange that you will all stop simultaneously, without crashing and without mutual communication?

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    • Consider that,

      A – always says Truth

      B – always lies

      C – sometimes lies

      D – deaf and dumb

      What is maximum questions you need to ask each to determine who is ABCD?

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    • Four white pieces (the mice) are placed on one side of a chessboard, and one black piece (the cat) is placed at the opposite side. The game is played by the following rules:

      black wins if it reaches the opposite side;
      white wins if it blocks black in such a way that black cannot make any move anymore;
      only diagonal moves (of length 1) on empty squares are allowed;
      white only moves forward;
      black can move backward and forward;
      black may make the first move, then white makes a move, and so on.

      Is this game computable (i.e. is it possible to decide beforehand who wins the game, no matter how hard his opponent tries to avoid this)?

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    • A man is going to an Antique Car auction. All purchases must be paid for in cash. He goes to the bank and draws out $25,000.

      Since the man does not want to be seen carrying that much money, he places it in 15 envelopes numbered 1 through 15, in such a way that he can pay any amount up to $25,000 without having to open any envelope. Each envelope contains the least number of bills possible of any available US currency (for example, no two tens instead of a twenty).

      At the auction, he makes a successful bid of $8322 for a car. He hands the auctioneer envelopes 2, 8, and 14. After opening the envelopes, the auctioneer finds exactly the right amount.

      The question: How many ones did the auctioneer find in the envelopes?

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    • Calculate below as fast as you can, using only mental arithmetic (Without pen, paper, or a calculator!).

      Take 1000 and add 40.
      Add 1000.
      Add 30 and then add 1000.
      Add 20.
      Add 1000 and then add 10.

      What is the result of this calculation?

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    • A patient has fallen very ill and has been advised to take exactly one pill of medicine X and exactly one pill of medicine Y each day, lest he die from either illness or over dosage. These pills must be taken together. The patient has bottles of X pills and Y pills. He puts one of the X pills in his hand. Then while tilting the bottle of Y pills, two Y pills accidentally fall out. Now there are three pills in his hand. Because both types of pill look identical, he cannot tell which two pills are type Y and which is type X. Since the pills are extremely expensive, the patient does not wish to throw away the ones in his hand. How can he save the pills in his hand and still maintain a proper daily dosage?

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    • You are sitting with one opponent at an empty, round table. Taking turns, you should place one euro on the table, in such a way that it touches none of the coins that are already on the table. The first player that is not able to place a euro on the table has lost. By tossing a coin, it has been decided that you may start.

      Which strategy will you follow to make sure you are guaranteed to win?

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    • You walk into a room in which there are three primates: a chimpanzee, an orangutan, and a gorilla. The chimpanzee is holding a banana in each hand, the orangutan is holding a big stick, and the gorilla is holding nothing. Which primate in the room is the smartest?

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    • Four men want to cross a bridge. They all begin on the same side. It is night and they have only one flashlight with them. At most two men can cross the bridge at a time and any party who crosses, either one or two people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth: it cannot be thrown, etc. Each man walks at a different speed. A pair must walk together at the speed of the slower man. Man 1 needs 1 minute to cross the bridge, man 2 needs 2 minutes, man 3 needs 5 minutes, and man 4 needs 10 minutes. For example, if man 1 and man 3 walk across together, they need 5 minutes.

      How can all four men cross the bridge in 17 minutes?

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    • There is a tree 20 feet high, with a circumference of 3 feet. A vine starts at the base of the tree and winds around the tree 7 times before reaching the top. How long is the vine?

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