Brain Teasers & Puzzles
Each of the four eleven letter words below use the letter N in the center. Can you determine what each word is?
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Each of the four eight letter words below use the letter I in the center. Can you determine what each word is?
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Can you name each pet using the clues provided?
1. Find a common 3-letter word using the clues below.
- COD has one letter in common with it; in the correct place
- ANT has two letters in common with it; one in the right place and one in the wrong place
- DON has no letters in common with it
What is the word?2. Find a common 3-letter word using the clues below.
- NOD has two letters in common with it; one in the right place and one in the wrong place
- EGG has one letter in common with it; in the right place
- TEN has no letters in common with it
What is the word?3. Find a common 4-letter word using the clues below.
- FREE has one letter in common with it; in the right place
- MOSS has one letter in common with it; in the right place
- MORE has no letters in common with it
- SHIM has three letters in common with it; all in the wrong place
What is the word?4. Find a common 4-letter word using the clues below.
- FONT has two letters in common with it; one in the right place and one in the wrong place
- GRUB has two letters in common with it; one in the right place and one in the wrong place
- BUNT has no letters in common with it
What is the word?5. Find a common 5-letter word using the clues below.
- CRACK has two letters in common with it; one in the right place and one in the wrong place
- SEVEN has three letters in common with it; one in the right place and two in the wrong place
- VICOR has no letters in common with it
What is the word?
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Can you transform each of the top words into the word on the bottom? You can only change one letter at a time. Don’t change the order of the letters. Can you transform each word in eight or less steps?
For example: CAT can con don DOG WARM EASY SLOW ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ COLD HARD FAST View SolutionSubmit Solution- 1,575.4K views
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Fill in the clues to reveal the hidden message, in this holiday and cold weather puzzle, from us to you.
Using the clues given, fill in the grid boxes with the answers. In the grid, each horizontal row is one clue and the clues should be entered from the top down. So the first horizontal row goes with clue 1, the second horizontal row goes with clue 2, etc. When the grid is complete, read the highlighted boxes from top to bottom for the hidden message.
HINT: Some of the clues are one word, some are two. Don’t leave spaces between the words when entering a two word answer.
- The Coldest Season of the Year
- Spicy, hot drink to ward off chills
- For kissing your beau under
- A hot stone for your feet & a horse to pull you through the snow
- Zipping down the mountain trails, diamond back to bunny hill
- Warmers for your hands
- Tasty drink that’s good with brandy & nutmeg added
- These sparkling beauties are nature made
- Green trailing plant
- The cookie that makes a house
- Festive greens for your front door
- Red & white sticks of pure pleasure
- No two alike they mantle the ground in cold weather
- Pretty plants with red leaves that form the flower
- Something for the fireplace
- Father Time and Baby _____ ________
- Long tailed headgear with a pompom on the end
- Waltzing around the icy pond
- Gaily wrapped with a bright red bow
- This cake like dessert can be made using the real fruit
- This plant has sharp green leaves and little red berries
- String these on the trees – inside and out
- Three balls of snow, a felt hat and a carrot nose
- The horses prance while wearing these
- An Eskimo’s house
- Down the hill on the snow – whee!
- Sing a merry song to your neighbors
- If you go to one you should bring a gift for the hostess
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Each of the following phrases below describes the name of a popular game. The dashes on the left side of each phrase represent the name of the game the phrase describes (Note: one dash is one letter, a space signifies a new word). Can you decipher the name of each of the games below?
(Hint: Not all of the clues pertain to the game itself. Some of the clues refer to the actual meaning of the word or phrase by which the game is named. Also, some of the games are board games, some card games, and some are games designed for a group of people.)1. _ _ _ _ _ an African game using beans (1 word) 2. _ _ _ _ _ capture the king to win the game (1 word) 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jump over the men to crown a king (1 word) 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ turning over the two-colored piece is the name of the game (1 word) 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it crashed in 1929 (2 words) 6. _ _ _ _ _ with deepest apologies (1 word) 7. _ _ _ _ _’_ _ _ _ a successful overthrow or takeover (2 words) 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a dictionary helps with this game (1 word) 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a French card game where mileage counts (2 words) 10. _ _ _ _ you only have one (1 word) Submit Solution- 1,573.2K views
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Each of the following phrases below describes the name of a popular game. The dashes on the left side of each phrase represent the name of the game the phrase describes (Note: one dash is one letter, a space signifies a new word). Can you decipher the name of each of the games below?
(Hint: Not all of the clues pertain to the game itself. Some of the clues refer to the actual meaning of the word or phrase by which the game is named. Also, some of the games are board games, some card games, and some are games designed for a group of people.)1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a dictionary of pictures (1 word) 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sherlock Holmes’ address (3 words) 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the police department of London (2 words) 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ to puzzle or confuse the mind (1 word) 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to succeed, fail, or tie (3 words) 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a game of skill to win the flag (1 word) 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flip your chips to win the game (1 word) 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ double or nothing (3 words) 9. _ _ _ _ _ five card stud is one type (1 word) 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a type of storm (1 word) Submit Solution- 1,573.0K views
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Each of the following phrases below describes the name of a popular game. The dashes on the left side of each phrase represent the name of the game the phrase describes (Note: one dash is one letter, a space signifies a new word). Can you decipher the name of each of the games below?
(Hint: Not all of the clues pertain to the game itself. Some of the clues refer to the actual meaning of the word or phrase by which the game is named. Also, some of the games are board games, some card games, and some are games designed for a group of people.)1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the luck of life or just plain fate (3 words) 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the pursuit is purely trivial (2 words) 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘_’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ going up or down? (3 words) 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do not pass go (1 word) 5. _ _ _ _ some are calculated (1 word) 6. _ _ _ _ Sherlock Holmes always finds them (1 word) 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uses the theme of Hansel and Gretal (1 word) 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dodge the board traps and laser fire to reach the flags first (2 words) 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ exclamation or shout (1 word) 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ honest people have them, liars don’t (1 word) Submit Solution- 1,574.5K views
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Round 1- PuzzleFry
Each of the clues below refers to a five-letter word that contains either ‘HI’ or ‘LO’ within it. Can you find all of them?
- dental care
- the sound a bird makes
- something a flower does
- \”Stop and _________.\”
- the navy has them
- how water comes from a faucet
- comes from a hen
- what you see if you hurt yourself
- something woven
- helps keep track of time
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Each of the clues below refers to a five-letter word that contains either ‘HI’ or ‘LO’ within it. Can you find all of them?
- part of your leg
- something your hand wears
- it’s part of a house and it’s not the walls
- alot of birds
- a winter color
- a young adult
- something you ski on
- move to one side
- related to a monkey
- a boat does this
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