At what time does it happens puzzle


Sometime during every hour the minute hand lies directly above the hour hand.
At what time between 4 and 5 o’clock does this happen?

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  • 2 Answer(s)
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    Answer – 04 : 21 : 48.9942

    Let’s start with 12.00 o  clock… Both hands overlap…

    Let an hour pass…..  Min hand will point to 12 again…. But in the mean time,  hours hand would move to 1 (from 12 to 1)….

    So min hand must move from 12 to 1 ( it takes 5 min or 300 seconds)

    But hours hand also over in that time.  It moves by

    300 * 0.0083 = 2.5 degrees

    To cover up that 2.5 degrees,  min Hand takes 2.5/0.1 = 25 seconds…

    But in that 25 seconds,  hour hands move by 25 * 0.0083 = 0.2075 degrees…

    To cover up that 0.2 degrees it takes 2.075 degrees…..

    And keep continuing thus was….

    Total approx time is 25 +2.075. ,0.17+0.00141+0.00117+0.00097 = 27.24855 seconds

    Every 65 min 27.24855 seconds once they overlap…..

    Let’s continue… After an hour(60 min) ,  min hand would be at 1 and hour hand would have moved to 2    …  So five more min to compensate it…

    At 2.10 they over lap again….

    So every 65 min  27.24855 seconds once they over lap….

    So let’s calculate…

    12 : 00 : 00
    01 : 05 : 27.24855
    02 : 10 : 54.7971
    03 : 16 : 21.74565
    04 : 21 : 48.9942
    05 : 27 : 16.24275

    So the answer is 04 : 21 : 48.9942

    thesucker Expert Answered on 2nd June 2016.
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    240/11 minutes after 4 o clock
    i answered first 

    Yodha Expert Answered on 2nd June 2016.
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