6 Riddles Chanllenge


Whose birthday does not come every year?
किसका जन्मदिन हर साल नहीं आता है?

Which is the fruit that does not sell even after being sweet?
कौन सा फल मीठा होने के बावजूद बिकता नहीं है?

What is the thing that breaks down on speaking?
कौन सी चीज़ है जो बोलने पर टूट जाती है ?

धूप में क्या चीज़ नहीं सूखता है?
What does not dry in the sun?

What is it that runs without feet and does not return?
वो क्या है जो बिना पैर भागता है और वापस नहीं आता?

Which fish cannot swim in the ocean?
कौन सी मछली समुंद्र में तैर नहीं सकती?

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  • 1 Answer(s)
    Best answer
    1. Whose birthday does not come every year? — Someone who was born on 29th February.
    2. Which is the fruit that does not sell even after being sweet? — a rotten fruit (nobody would buy it, however sweet it may be)
    3. What is the thing that breaks down on speaking? — Silence
    4. What does not dry in the sun? — ice 
    5. What is it that runs without feet and does not return? — water (stream / river)
    6. Which fish cannot swim in the ocean? — A fish that’s DEAD…! (It can’t swim anywhere!) OR a fish that lives anywhere outside the ocean (e.g. in a river / pond / aquarium) – It can’t swim in the ocean unless it is put in the ocean first!



    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 29th June 2017.
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