Brilliant Money Distribution


Pooja gave Neha as many euros as Neha started with.
Neha then gave Pooja back as much as Pooja had left.
Pooja then gave Neha as back as many euros as Neha had left, which left Pooja broke and gave Neha a total of 80 pounds. How much did Pooja and Neha have at the beginning of their exchange?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Pooja had 50 Euros and Neha had 30.

    Step 1: Pooja gave Neha as many euros as Neha started with => Pooja gave 30 to Neha. Now, Pooja is left with 50 – 30 = 20 whereas Neha had 60 (30 + 30).
    Step 2: Neha then gave Pooja back as much as Pooja had left => Neha gave 20 to Pooja. With this, Pooja had 20 + 20 = 40, while Neha is left with 40.
    Step 3: Pooja then gave Neha back as many euros as Neha had left => Pooja gave all 40 she had, leaving her broke, while Neha got 40 + 40 = 80.

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 23rd August 2024.
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