Can you find out the missing number in the grid?


Can you find out the missing number in the grid?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    The missing number is 19.
    Let us label the boxes with Rs and Cs where R refers to the Row number and C refers to the Column number.

    R4C1 = (R1C1 * R3C1) -R2C1 = (5 * 2) -8 = 2
    R4C2 = (R1C2 * R3C2) -R2C2 = (7 * 4) -10 = 18
    R4C3 = (R1C3 * R3C3) -R2C3 = (6 * 5) -12 = 18
    R4C4 = (R1C4 * R3C4) -R2C4 = (4 * 9) -17 = 19

    anikam Expert Answered on 22nd August 2015.
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