Distance between Villages


There is a straight highway. Four different villages lie on that highway. The distance between them is different. The third village is 60km away from the first village; the fourth is 40 km away from the second; the third is 10 km near to the fourth that it is to the second.

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Distance From Village 1 to Village 2 = 35 km; Distance between Village 2 and 3 is 25 km and between Village 3 and 4 is 15 km.

    Explanation:  Let the Villages be V1, V2, V3 and V4, and the distance between then be a, b, and c. (i.e.,  V1 to V2 is  ‘a’ km, V2 to V3 is b ad V3 to V4 is c.)
    Then we have:

    1.  The third village is 60km away from the first village => a + b = 60
    2. The fourth is 40 km away from the second  => b + c = 40
    3.  The third is 10 km near to the fourth that it is to the second => c = b – 10

    Solving 1, 2 & 3, we get a = 35, b = 25 and c = 15.


    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 7th February 2022.
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