Painting Scenic Beauty


An artist while painting a scenic beauty, decides to paint three layers of blue colour on the sky.

Which layer will go on the first?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Typically, when painting a landscape with multiple layers of colors, artists will begin with the layer that is farthest away from the viewer and work their way forward. This technique is called “working from the background to the foreground.”

    In this case, since the artist is painting the sky, the layer that is farthest away would be the lightest or palest shade of blue. This represents the sky in the distant horizon. The second layer would be a slightly darker shade of blue, representing the sky closer to the viewer. Finally, the third layer would be the darkest shade of blue, representing the portion of the sky that is closest to the viewer.

    So the first layer of blue paint would be the lightest or palest shade of blue, representing the farthest layer of the sky.

    Moshe Expert Answered on 22nd March 2023.
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