Pizza Price with Toppings


In a pizza parlour, you have to pay a certain amount to add extra toppings. Now the price for toppings is given in a pair below. Can you find out what each topping costs?

Corn & Jalapeno $7
Mushrooms & Extra Cheese $6
Paprika & Tomatoes $2
Onion & Jalapeno $5
Green chilly & Paprika $4
Tomatoes & Onion $3
Extra Cheese & Paprika $5

Please note that the toppings are priced w.r.t. whole dollar increments (no fraction prices).

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Paprika & Tomatoes = $2 AND whole dollar prices => Paprika = 1, Tomatoes = 1 
    Green chilly & Paprika = $4 AND (Paprika = 1) => Green chilly = 3 
    Tomatoes & Onion = $3 AND (Tomatoes = 1) => Onion = 2
    Extra Cheese & Paprika = $5 AND (Paprika = 1) => Extra Cheese = 4
    Mushrooms & Extra Cheese = $6 AND (Extra Cheese = 4) => Mushrooms = 2
    Onion & Jalapeno = $5 AND (Onion = 2) => Jalapeno = 3 
    Corn & Jalapeno = $7 AND (Jalapeno = 3) => Corn = 4

    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 22nd September 2024.
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