Random point in a circle


You’re given a procedure that with a uniform probability distribution outputs random numbers between 0 and 1 (to some sufficiently high degree of precision, with which we need not concern ourselves in this puzzle).  Using a bounded number of calls to this procedure, construct a procedure that with a uniform probability distribution outputs a random point within the unit circle.

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    The problem does not state whether the random number is inclusive, exclusive or some combination, of the bounds 0 and 1.  My answer assumes the typical random number generator, which is inclusive of 0 and exclusive of 1.  It takes exactly two calls to the random number generator.

    radius = random / 2
    degrees = random * 360

    x = radius * sin(degrees)
    y = radius * cos(degrees)

    Now the problem with this solution is that it lacks uniform distribution.  Half the points will have radius < 0.25 and half 0.25 to 0.5, but the area in the circle with radius < 0.25 is only 25% of the total area of the circle.  So we need to distribute the points along the radius using the inverse square of the random value so that the probability of a point having radius r is proportional to the area of a circle with radius r (i.e. a radius that gives a circle with area a is half as likely as a radius that gives a circle with area 2a).

    radius = sqrt(random) / 2
    degrees = random * 360

    x = radius * sin(degrees)
    y = radius * cos(degrees)

    dougbell Genius Answered on 21st October 2015.
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