The Scoop
Tristan’s sister Angela and her four friends love to share their most recent diary entries with each other at sleepovers. This last sleepover, Tristan was able to snag each of the girls’ diaries after they fell asleep. He flipped through them and found that each girl had a different crush, a different favorite shade of nail polish, and a different preference in ice cream flavors – and each of them had a big, juicy secret! See if you can figure out what he learned about each of his sister’s friends – and his sister.
The Choices
Girls: Angela, Mandy, Savannah, Alyssa, and Lily
Crushes: Josh, Noah, Luke, Ben, and Sam
Nail Polish Shades: Lavender, Lime, Banana, Sky, and Crimson
Ice Cream Flavors: Rocky Road, Rainbow Sherbet, Cookie Dough, Reese’s Peanut Butter, and Raspberry Cheesecake
Juicy Secrets: Still sleeps with a blankie, Loves lima beans, Hates Justin Bieber, Is really into cars, and Wants to be a lunch lady
The Clues
Tristan read five different entries for January 7th. One said, “Noah said, ‘Nice hair, Savannah,’ and I felt special.” Another said, “My nails are purple again, just like I like them.” A third said, “I wish Luke would look at me.” The fourth said, “I lost my beloved blankie this morning.” The last said, “I’m dying for some more of that rainbow sherbet.”
“January 8th. Dear Diary, I accidentally chipped one of my perfect, lime-green nails today while doing my daily private anti-Justin Bieber ritual.”
“January 9th. Dear Diary, Josh caught me examining his awesome antique Chevrolet after school today. I guess I was kind of hoping he would.”
“January 10th. Dear Diary, Angela was writing a love note today. I tried glancing over her shoulder, but all I caught was the second letter of its recipient’s name, which looked like either a U or an A, and something about being a lunch lady before she yanked it away.”
“January 11th. Dear Diary, I hope Sam likes the color red…I also hope he doesn’t mind girls who still sleep with blankies…”
“January 12th. Dear Diary, I think it’s funny that both me and Savannah like nail polishes that are named after fruits. Love, Alyssa.”
“January 13th. Dear Diary, I saw Sam eating Reese’s Peanut Butter ice cream yesterday. Could this be a sign that we’re meant to be? Love, Mandy.”
“January 14th. Dear Diary, I just noticed that the name of my favorite shade of nail polish has something majorly in common with my name, and Alyssa’s favorite shade starts with the same letter as her crush’s name.”
“January 15th. Dear Diary, The girls were over at my house last night, and someone flicked cookie dough ice cream at me. It couldn’t have been Angela, who will only eat raspberry cheesecake ice cream, and Savannah was in the bathroom…”
Angela likes Luke, Raspberry Cheesecake ice cream, and Sky nail polish, and she wants to be a lunch lady when she grows up.
Mandy likes Sam, Reese’s Peanut Butter ice cream, and Crimson nail polish, and she still sleeps with a blankie.
Savannah likes Noah, Rocky Road ice cream, and Lime nail polish, and she hates Justin Bieber.
Alyssa likes Ben, Rainbow Sherbet ice cream, and Banana nail polish, and she loves lima beans.
Lily likes Josh, Cookie Dough ice cream, and Lavender nail polish, and she is really into cars
Your Answer
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