The Diamond box brain teaser


A man is on the bank of a river. He has a small box, a chain, a lock (like a masterlock), the key to that lock, and a diamond. He wants to get the diamond to a woman who is on the other side of the river.

She has an identical box to the man, a chain, a lock, and the key to that lock. (Note: each key opens only it’s respective lock and the locks are not the same.) The river is too big to swim across and the boxes do not float.

The only way to get the diamond across the river is put it on the ferry, which will only carry cargo. However, neither person trusts the ferry driver, so in order to send anything across the river, it must be in a locked box. (ex: They can not just send the key across.) Also, anytime a box is sent across it must be locked even if the box is empty.

Without killing the ferry driver, how does the man get the diamond to the woman?

diamond box puzzle

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  • 1 Answer(s)
    Best answer

    The man will put the diamond in the box and lock it.  When  Woman will get the box she will locket with her own chain and lock she will give the box to the ferry man than the first one will receive the box and opened his lock .he will send the box back to the woman the woman will open her Lock.

    Yodha Expert Answered on 6th April 2016.
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