Theft on Japanese ship puzzle


A Japanese ship is on a mission toward United States. Just before the destination, the captain decides to take a shower. He kept his wallet and diamond studded gold bracelet on the shelf and goes for a shower.
When he returned back, he found both the wallet and bracelet missing.
He immediately called the four crew members and asked them what they were doing during that time.

Following are the answers:
1. The Cook: I was in the kitchen, making bacon sandwiches for everybody.
2. The engineer: I was in the generator room, checking the generator.
3. The housekeeper: I saw that the flag hoisted on the ship was upside down, so I went to correct it.
4. The second housekeeper: I was tired and taking a quick nap.

The captain immediately identified who the thief was. Can you tell? japanese ship theft riddle

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  • 2 Answer(s)
    Best answer


    Yodha Expert Answered on 4th July 2016.
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    Good one by Yodha. I came to the same answer, but without considering the Japanese flag specifically.

    The explanations given by everyone else had no “public” element to it. As in, they were all doing something in private and what they were doing was not contingent on the state of affairs existing prior to the theft. They weren’t changing a condition that existed prior to the theft. So unless the captain was with them personally,  there is no way to contradict their statements.

    The housekeeper was the only one who said that he changed a flag. Now a flag is something that is out there. Can be seen by anyone. And also, he “changed” the state of the flag. So if the captain had known that the flag was right in the first place, then he could have picked up on this.

    This is not as elegant a solution as the one given by Yodha, but it does cover the eventuality of the flag being from any country or even Jack Sparrow’s 🙂


    Srihari Bharatthi Guru Answered on 13th July 2016.
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