Whats wrong in this picture puzzle


Whats wrong in this picture puzzle

whats wrong in this picture puzzle

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  • 4 Answer(s)
    Best answer

    1 .  Heavy wind
    If it is a moon then there is no such kind of wind as in pic flag show, how speedy the air is.

    2. Two moons in same picture,
    Astronaut standing on moon then, how can other moon be there in the background.

    3. Shadow of flag
    Direction of shadow for every object is towards left but for flag its in opposite.

    ketul Expert Answered on 4th April 2016.

    1. Who said that astronaut is standing on moon?
    2. Enough explained by 1
    3. Source of light may be in between astronaut and flag.

    on 5th April 2016.

    1. If he is not on the moon!! then no way you can see the moon very near from any of the planet are alive in this universe
    3.  Please see the pic first then comment!!

    on 8th April 2016.
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    Shadow of Flag : It should be in opposite direction

    aayush Guru Answered on 3rd April 2016.


    on 3rd April 2016.
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    1. Two moons in same picture,
    Astronaut standing on moon then, how can other moon be there in the background.

    2. Shadow of flag
    Direction of shadow for every object is towards left but for flag its in opposite.

    Detective Expert Answered on 3rd April 2016.
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    Nothing is wrong……. all this was shot on a set, and some finishing up in Photoshop has been done.

    Turmoil Guru Answered on 7th April 2016.


    on 1st March 2019.
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