Which Person What Floor?


Six people park their car in an underground parking of a store. The store has six floors in all. Each one of them goes to different floor. Simon stays in the lift for the longest. Sia gets out before Peter but after Tracy. The first one to get out is Harold. Debra leaves after Tracy who gets out at the third floor.

Can you find out who leaves the lift at which floor?

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  • 2 Answer(s)

    There is no solution!! Because Tracy leaves on the 3rd floor and since Sia gets out after Tracy and before Peter means she must be located on the 4th floor and above and peter must be located on the 5th or 6th floor. But since Simon stays in the elevator for the longest time it means he is on the 6th floor and therefor Sia is on the 4th and Peter on the 5th. That means that there is no way that Debra can leave after Tracy!!

    Moshe Expert Answered on 22nd January 2023.
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    Harold leaves at the first floor.
    Debra leaves at the second floor.
    Tracy leaves at the third floor.
    Sia leaves at the fourth floor.
    Peter leaves at the fifth floor.
    Simon leaves at the sixth floor.

    anikam Expert Answered on 21st August 2015.

    The Riddle says that: Sia gets out before Peter but after Tracy.  So in your words “BEFORE” means a lower floor and “AFTER” means a higher floor. But in the riddle it says that “Debra leaves after Tracy who gets out at the third floor”, So Debra can not leave after Tracy if she is on the 2nd floor and  Tracy is on the 3rd floor!!

    on 22nd January 2023.
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