100 Chocolates


Joseph buys three kinds of chocolates for 100 rupees. The first one is priced at 5 rupees, second one at 3 rupees and third one at 0.5 rupees.

If he bought 100 chocolates in total, how many pieces do you think he bought each chocolate?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    He bought chocolates as follows:

    10 pieces at Rs. 5 each  = 50/-
    2 pieces at Rs. 3 each = 6/-
    88 pieces at Rs, 0.5 each = 44/-

    Total No. of pieces = 10 + 2 + 88 = 100; Total Amount = 50 + 6 + 44 = 100/-

    Unit Price No. of pieces Value
    5 10 50
    3 2 6
    0.5 88 44
    100 100


    Viji_Pinarayi Expert Answered on 6th August 2021.
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