Car Riddle


At a recent motorsport gathering, four proud owners were grouped together around the blue Ferrari, discussing their gleaming sports cars.

Alan was overheard bragging about his brand new silver Mercedes.

Mr Smith went to great lengths to explain to Brian, the virtues of his blue Ferrari.

Mr Wilshaw and David occasionally made eye contact.

Mr Richards showed everyone a recent photo of his red Rolls Royce.

Mr Stone listened intently while Charles went on about his green Corvette.

Who owns which car?

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  • 1 Answer(s)

    Based on the information provided, we can determine the owners of each car:

    • Alan owns the silver Mercedes.
    • Mr Smith owns the blue Ferrari.
    • Mr Richards owns the red Rolls Royce.
    • Charles owns the green Corvette.

    Now since Alan has a Mercedes his last name can not be Smith or Richards and since we know that Mr Stone was “listened intently” to Charles than Charles can not be Mr Stone so the only option left is that Alrn is Mr Stone and therefor Charles is Mr Wilshaw. And Since Mr Smith “went to great lengths to explain to Brian” than Mr Smith can not be Brian so he has to be David and Brian is Mr Richards.

    so the solution is
    Alan Stone  owns the silver Mercedes.
    David Smith owns the blue Ferrari.
    Brian Richards owns the red Rolls Royce.
    Charles Wilshaw owns the green Corvette.

    Moshe Expert Answered on 22nd February 2023.
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