In which year was the grandfather born?


Recently, somebody told:
“My grandfather was born on the first sunday of the year. His seventh birthday was also on a sunday!”

In which year was the grandfather born?



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  • 2 Answer(s)


    There must be 7 years without a leap year between when he was born and his seventh birthday.  1900 is not a leap year.  He was born Jan. 3, 1897 and his seventh birthday was in 1904 before the leap day that year.

    dougbell Genius Answered on 21st October 2015.

    Please help in understand better, Thanks

    on 21st October 2015.

    You need a seven year stretch where the number of days is divisible by 7.  Therefore no leap days can be added or the total number of days in the seven-year stretch won’t be divisible by 7.

    Years that are divisible by 4 have a leap day EXCEPT for years divisible by 100, but not divisible by 400.  So 1900 is the only exception within the lifespan possible for someone’s grandfather, assuming the someone is alive today.

    on 21st October 2015.

    Not specifically on 3rd,Jan.

    on 21st October 2015.

    As Dougbell wrote: no leap days can be added or the total number of days in the seven-year stretch and since 1896 is a leap year and 1904 is also a leap year the only 7 years without a leap year can be between 1897-1903 so that is why Jan, 3rd (=sunday), 1897

    on 20th December 2022.
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    Are we not counting date of birth as first birth day. It will be any year except following year of a leap year (eg. 2005, 2009, 2013, etc)

    anoopk Scholar Answered on 18th April 2016.
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